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Albex Glucose 63 DE Syrup - 25KG

SKU: STA00067
  • H Halal
  • K Kosher
  • V Vegan
  • VG Vegetarian
  • DF Dairy free
  • GF Gluten free
  • NF Nut Free
  • PF Palm free
  • PF Peanut free

Whilst you can order as few as 1 unit of this, the item must be purchased as part of an order which has a total of 7 items (or more). The order can be a mixture of items to get it up to a 7 item order.

Collection may be available for less than 7 units.
Please contact us to discuss.

Albex Glucose is a colourless glucose syrup derived from wheat or maize which is then refined and concentrated into a solution of dextrose, maltose and higher saccharides.

Less sweet than golden syrup and with a 63 Dextrose Equivalent (63 DE) Albex sweetens baked goods whilst also improving texture, mouthfeel and fresh keeping.

Why not have a look at our other syrups?

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