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Glucodry 380 Glucose Powder (36 - 40 DE) - 25KG

SKU: STA00221
  • H Halal
  • K Kosher
  • V Vegan
  • VG Vegetarian
  • DF Dairy free
  • GF Gluten free
  • NF Nut Free
  • PF Palm free
  • PF Peanut free

Glucose Powder is incredibly versatile, serving as both a sweetener and enhancer. Glucose Powder 38DE enhances the flavour, texture, and longevity of various foods, particularly baked goods. With a moderate sweetness level (approximately 70% as sweet as sugar), it seamlessly integrates into a wide array of baking recipes, spanning cakes, desserts, confectionery, and even in preserves and jam making.
Home brewers often use glucose powder as an adjunct to malt extracts or other fermentable sugars to achieve desired alcohol levels and flavour profiles in their beer or wine.

Our Glucose Powder has a DE value of 36-40.

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